Mac and Windows.
Plug in ni bguna utk buang distortion effect gambar yg di amik guna fisheye lens. Supaya mnjadi much more better dan nice. Sesuai utk people photo or landscape
Sedikit Introduction :
Fishey-Hemi is a Photoshop (and Apple Aperture) plug-in which turns fisheye images into something useful. It pulls out the corners so the image feels more like a cylinder than a sphere. In other words, horizontal lines still curve after you use this plug-in, but curved vertical lines become straightened.
Download link dan description dari cni :
Ak download for Aperture plug in. Install cm biasa. Complete,just launch it.
Yg ak dnlod ni trial. Nk full kna bli. Huhu.
Here is the Fisheye-Hemi on Aperture 3
Dia ada option utk pilih cam tab,iaitu Original,Hemi 1,Hemi 2,Hemi 3 atau Apply to all.
So just pilih la mna2 yg korg berkenan.
Here is the result :
Before Fisheye-Hemi
After Fisheye-Hemi
Notice the difference? Yg bntuk org kt belah kiri ( tokey kedai ) dlm gmbr kdua dia nmpk tegak, then see the yellow photo machine being looks stretched straight.
Utk tegakkn gmbr yg di amik guna fisheye lens ni sbnrnya ada 2 cara,1 dgn guna software cam Photoshop utk buang distortion dia,tu nama dia rectilinear. 1 lg dgn guna plug in Fisheye-Hemi ni.
So far ada pbezaan antra kdua teknik ni. Dr test yg di buat pd aku,straighten guna plug in ni is much better than using the rectilinear technique. Sbb kalo wat guna rectilinear,gmbr org tu akn nmpk cm ter tarik ke tepi. But using the Fisheye-Hemi will maintain the quality without leaving the silly look of your fisheye images. Dia jg akn tegakkn vertical line or objek tegak dlm gmbr. Sbb kbiasaan fisheye lens akn bulatkn segala ape kt tepi dan corner,yg mna kalo amik gmbr org nmpk cm bodo la. hahaha. Beza dgn wide angle plk,bgus utk pemandangan dan tarik bhagian corner supaya fit dlm lens.
Cons : Using the trial version will leave you with a watermark all over the picture. Damn! get the crack one. Hahaha
ak da lma install plugin hemi kt ps, tp bru taw fnction dia.. haaha
BalasPadamHaha. skrg dah tau. ada crack dia tk mi,utk Aperture la kalo ada